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Do you have the courage to tolerate the pain and keep going even when you’re scared?


You see…


We all stall on taking action when we’re afraid of failing or getting hurt. We want to figure out how things will play out before we begin so that we can avoid making a mistake. We want some guarantee that it will all unfold perfectly, or we won’t take the first step


But the truth is… We’re going to get scared every single day. When you start to reach outside of your safe routines, you’re going to come up against conversations and situations that make you uncomfortable. It’s called growing pains for a reason! You risk rejection every time that you put yourself out there.

Will you learn to dance with the fear and start?

It takes bravery to be willing to make things, whether that’s starting your side hustle or podcast… We have to be willing to accept that and tolerate those feelings of inadequacy. Successful people recognize that it is all beta. There is no arrival. We’re here to make the best of the next iteration.

How to tolerate the pain and keep going even when you’re scared?

1. Your task is to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. As you accept where you’re stuck and what’s holding you back, how a lack of confidence or self-worth is commanding your choices… As you make peace with your past and pain and pride… You step into a really authentic and honest space. You start to get a sense of just how unique your path and processes are.

2. Surround yourself with people who make your soul smile. Read good things, eat well, get some sleep, and be kind to yourself. It sounds simple, but so often we’re not setting ourselves up to succeed because we aren’t getting the proper nourishment. You just need a few of the right people to get you and see you. Choose to be around the people who energize you.

And remember…

As long as you’re alive then it is never too late. There’s always another human being that you can affect.

As long as you’re alive then it is never too late. There’s always another human being that you can affect. There’s always something awesome that you can do.

The question is… What barriers do you need to break down? What defeating thoughts or habits are blocking joy and creativity from entering your life?


Are you an athlete or entrepreneur looking to maximize your results? This is for you!

Thanks for submitting! Coach Michael will contact you within 24 hours to arrange your free consultation.

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