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1. Why do I want to become more productive?

• I want to spend more time with my kids →  Time Freedom
• I want to travel more → Time Freedom / Financial Security
• I don’t people telling me what to do → Power / Creative Freedom
• I want to make a difference → Impact

The problem is the “why” behind your career aspirations. Does it help provide fuel to forge ahead when times get tough? Absolutely.

The problem is the “why” behind your career aspirations.

2. What are you willing to struggle for in order to obtain the life you want?

To get the life of a one percenter, you need to do the 1% work; all the small details. You will need to spend hours to get good at something, years receiving little attention/feedback for content you put out. In other words, patience and practionership.

Everybody wants the good life. The better question is are you willing to earn it?

You can become very accomplished. But did you enjoy the journey to get there? Burnout awaits you.

3. What is the minimum I need to do to feel satisfied with my day/week?

It’s not enough that you ran 2 miles today, you should have run 5 miles…
It’s not enough that your company makes $1 million, you should make $1 billion…

It’s common when setting goals or habits that we set a target to aim towards.

Do you have the discipline to know when to pack it in and call it a day, even when you could do more?

Burnout awaits you… You are more likely to reach your end goal if you do a little bit each day and week and build up. Think volume over intensity.

Saying “no” to things that are not a priority allows you to focus on the things that are important.

4. What limited amount of things will I focus on and what will I actively NOT do?

What behaviors are causing me to not get important work done and what do I need to do instead?

As Derek Sivers says, “Don’t be a donkey”:
Buridan’s donkey is standing halfway between a pile of hay and a bucket of water. It keeps looking left and right, trying to decide between hay and water. Unable to decide, it eventually falls over and dies of hunger and thirst…

The hardest part is emotional. It’s deciding “I am going in THIS direction, and I’m NOT going to pay attention to all this other stuff for A CERTAIN PERIOD OF TIME.


Are you an athlete or entrepreneur looking to maximize your results? This is for you!

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